“I searched for Tuesday’s Child for my very strong willed, stubborn child who would laugh at me when I tried to chase him down for diaper changes. He didn’t listen to a thing I said. Everything was a battle. At
The Need for Behavioral Intervention
(behavior): http://www.additudemag.com/adhd-web/article/623.html Autism (behavior): http://www.kennedykrieger.org/sites/kki2.com/files/5-07.pdf ODD (behavior): https://www.aacap.org/App_Themes/AACAP/docs/resource_centers/odd/odd_resource_center_odd_guide.pdf ADHD (diagnosis): http://www.additudemag.com/adhd-web/article/623.html Autism (diagnosis): http://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/facts-about-autism ODD (diagnosis): https://www.aacap.org/App_Themes/AACAP/docs/resource_centers/odd/odd_resource_center_odd_guide.pdf Receive Care: https://www.businessgrouphealth.org/pub/f3128bcc-2354-d714-51c2-273384e74888 Stigma: https://www.businessgrouphealth.org/pub/f3128bcc-2354-d714-51c2-273384e74888
2023 Program Outcomes
Behavioral Intervention Program Outcomes | Create Infographics
The Guadarrama/Lagunas Family
My daughter had a behavioral problem. If she didn’t want to do something, she didn’t do it. I didn’t know what to do. She gave me a lot of problems and I couldn’t get along with her. The principal of
The Frank Family
“The pediatrician said his tantrums were normal but it didn’t feel good. The whole house felt unhappy. I wish I’d called for help even earlier than I did. I didn’t feel like I was in charge anymore. I was always waiting
How to Integrate the Challenging Child Into the Classroom
A Professional Development Workshop for Early Childhood Teachers and Social Workers Want to spend less time stopping inappropriate behavior in your classroom and more time providing an enjoyable learning environment? Tuesday’s Child provides practical solutions that encourage more listening, appropriate
Executive Functioning
and School Success The foundation of Tuesday’s Child Behavioral Intervention is to encourage our children to communicate needs and wants in appropriate ways and to foster self-control and critical thinking. This workshop is ideal for children 9 and under. The
The Williams Family
Kenny had challenges in school. He was aggressive with other children when he didn’t get his way. His teachers didn’t understand what was going on. He was attending an excellent school, but sometimes even the best schools need assistance. It
Introducing Tuesday’s Parent
A continuing education and support program for Alumni Tuesday’s Parent is an opportunity to provide Tuesday’s Child Alumni ongoing support, peer engagement, information and resources. In-Person Alumni Group Join us for a parenting group workshop as a Tuesday’s Child refresher