Tuesday’s Child Outreach Services provide programming to both parents and professionals. Our services can be customized to meet the needs of your school or center. Our experienced staff can speak on a variety of topics to help develop behavioral parenting skills and teaching techniques. We have two programs running currently in English, Spanish, and Bilingual languages.  

Positive Parenting with Confidence

Workshops for parents

Tuesday’s Child is a behavioral management program that provides positive parenting workshops. We offer a four part series that meets 1 hour per week for 4 sessions. We introduce positive behavioral interventions to encourage children to behave cooperatively and coach parents how to use these techniques effectively.  Parents walk away with strategies that build trust and help maintain positive behaviors inside and outside the home. These are topics we would discuss:

Session Topic Overview:

  • Week 1 – Praise and How Children Learn
  • Week 2 – How to Set Them up for Success and Increase Cooperation
  • Week 3 – Using Reinforcers Effectively
  • Week 4 – Decoding Functions of Behavior

En Español

Positive Classroom Management
Professional Development Workshop

Positive Classroom Management

Tuesday’s Child is a behavioral management program that provides workshops for both parents and teachers in positive parenting with confidence and positive classroom management. We introduce behavioral interventions to encourage children to behave cooperatively and coach teachers how to use these techniques effectively. Teachers walk away with strategies that build trust and help integrate the challenging child inside the classroom environment.

This is a 2-hour interactive workshop that meets one time only. We have Levels I, II, and III that build on each other if schools wish to progress to deeper levels of classroom management.

Tuesday’s Child Professional Development workshop provides:

  • Behavior management techniques that foster cooperation;
  • Practical techniques and scripts that motivate students to behave appropriately;
  • Tools for creating an open line of communication between teachers, parents, and staff

Level I: Classroom Management
Level II: Discipline as an Opportunity to Teach
Level III: Functions of the Behavior & Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Please contact our Clinical Director for more information

Elizabeth Schropp


En Espanol

¡Contactanos Letty Perez
