Tuesday’s Child Success Stories

A family who found success with Tuesday's Child.

The Frank Family

When the pediatrician said my son's tantrums were normal, it didn't feel reassuring. The entire house was unhappy, and I constantly anticipated the next explosion. I wish I had sought help sooner. I felt like I had lost control.

Tuesday’s Child introduced me to positive reinforcement, praise, and encouragement. It wasn't instinctual, but once I learned it, it made perfect sense. 

With Tuesday’s Child, we learned to eliminate the constant 'no.' I had to parent my son in a way that suited his needs, and it changed everything. Every parent could benefit from Tuesday’s Child.

Whenever you hear a parent say, 'I'm so frustrated,' there’s a place that can help. This program made me feel like a competent, confident parent who enjoys the journey. Now, teachers describe my son as compliant and sweet, and they rave about him.

Family who found success with Tuesday's Child

The Powers Family

Years ago, I called Tuesday’s Child in tears on a street corner because my son, then four, refused to join a Kindermusik class. That moment marked my first act of letting go, a theme recurring in my parenting journey. Despite having a supportive husband, as a stay-at-home mom, I had to accept help more graciously. 

I also shed fears that day, especially fear of change. Initially resistant to a 12-week program, I now appreciate how it transformed our lives. Letting go of the fear of embarrassment was another hurdle. I had to admit my son had challenges and stop comparing him to others.

Parenting my strong-willed child requires constant effort—interventions, advocacy, and letting go of idealized expectations. It's about accepting my son as he is, challenges included. I've learned to embrace his uniqueness and advocate openly for him.

Letting go has been transformative. By speaking openly about our journey—behavioral challenges, therapies, and ADHD—I aim to reduce stigma and help others. Ultimately, every step of letting go has been for my son’s benefit.

Family who found success with Tuesday's Child.

The Tripp Family

At age three, it became clear Thomas had serious behavioral problems and developmental delays. We followed his doctors' advice and started therapy for the developmental delays, hoping it would help his behavior. Unfortunately, it didn't. Eventually, we found Tuesday's Child.

I was skeptical at first. Thomas was so out of control he had been kicked out of preschool and swim class. He was already in all the recommended therapies, so why would this program make a difference? Tuesday's Child helped because it was different.

The focus was on parenting skills for children with behavior problems. Instead of concentrating on fine motor skills or speech, we focused on Thomas as a person and on us as a family.

I learned to see Thomas' behavior as a form of communication. Recognizing this was a revelation. I began teaching him appropriate replacement behaviors instead of punishing him. My job was to stay calm and patient, using techniques from Tuesday's Child to manage meltdowns quickly. I gained confidence in my ability to parent Thomas and handle any situation.

Thomas eventually learned to ask for help when frustrated and use his words when angry. He became a good friend and a capable student. We rediscovered how to be a happy family.

Family who found success with Tuesday's Child

The Guadarrama/Lagunas Family

My daughter used to have behavioral problems; if she didn’t want to do something, she simply wouldn’t do it. This caused many issues, and I struggled to get along with her.

The principal of her preschool recommended the Familias Felices program. She began the program in February, and since starting kindergarten, she has significantly improved. She used to be moody and act out frequently, but now she goes to school happily and understands her responsibilities. She also fights less with her sister.

I highly recommend the Familias Felices program to other families. It has helped my children get along better, and I believe that what benefits me can also help others.

I participated in the parents’ program, which was incredibly helpful. I no longer get angry with her and have more patience. I know how to handle her tantrums better. I would definitely recommend this program.

The Williams Family

Kenny faced challenges in school, often becoming aggressive with other children when things didn’t go his way. His teachers struggled to understand what was happening. Despite attending an excellent school, sometimes even the best need extra support 

Attending Tuesday’s Child’s parent sessions was a tremendous help. It was reassuring to meet other parents who shared the same frustrations and difficulties and to realize we weren’t alone. 

Tuesday’s Child taught us to catch Kenny being good and reward his positive behavior. They also provided strategies to help him communicate when he was frustrated or upset and manage his behavior. Kenny learned how to interact with his peers appropriately.

As a result, his behavior has improved both at school and at home. As parents, we have become more understanding and compassionate. Tuesday’s Child supported us in improving our communication. Now, Kenny uses his words instead of his hands, expressing his feelings without resorting to tantrums.