The early years of a child’s life are very important for his or her health and development. Healthy development means that children of all abilities, including those with special health care needs, are able to grow up where their social, emotional and educational needs are met. Having a safe and loving home and spending time with family―playing, singing, reading, and talking―are very important. Proper nutrition, exercise, and rest also can make a big difference.
Information from the CDC.
About Child Development & Milestones
Skills such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye-bye” are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, behave, and move (for example, crawling and walking). Children develop at their own pace, so it’s impossible to tell exactly when a child will learn a given skill. However, the developmental milestones give a general idea of the changes to expect as a child gets older.
As a parent, you know your child best. If your child is not meeting the milestones for his or her age, or if you think there could be a problem with your child’s development, Tuesday’s Child can help.
Information from the CDC.
How Tuesday’s Child Can Help
Our evidence-based Behavioral Intervention program has helped hundreds of families understand their child’s unique development. Our individualized services for both parents and children helps you, as a parent, to effectively confront your child’s development and behavior in a way that is sensitive to your child’s unique needs.
We strive to provide families with practical tools in a judgment-free environment. Parents are able to access clinical services and build a strong peer-support network. Children are placed in supportive, behaviorally focused classrooms designed to introduce and reinforce the scripts and techniques you will learn in the program.
Early Intervention
Tuesday’s Child is also an Early Intervention site. Speak with your EI Service Coordinator about receiving approval for your Birth to Three child to attend our center-based programming.
The Program In Action
Parents work on individualized behavioral and goal planning activities, with group sessions led by a Clinical Psychologist and individual time with trained peer mentors. Tuesday’s Child offers both weekday and Saturday programs and is offered in English and Spanish.
While parents are in session, children receive services in our Behavioral Classrooms which uses the same developmentally appropriate, behavior management strategies taught to parents. Emphasis is placed on cooperating with the teacher and interactive games and play with peers and progress is tracked on Time on Task, Compliance, Participation and Socialization.
Learn more about Behavioral Intervention.
Register for our program or call (773) 573-6936 for more information.